Adrenalin park fun

Wow  i thought as i was walking up the hill to the water park. when we got up i was amazed to see how dig it is then we had to get in our toges then we got some lifejacket then me and Bayden and Xavier went to look at the water. then we got the in striasins then heps of people did munoz in to the water it was so hard to get on the park then i heard  a  rip then i tedaged alec.

 then i looked down then i saw that my pants were rip but i kept on playing then we had to get out then i to Cooper in my Brothers car then we got ice cream then we played on my dad’s phone next i dropt Cooper off at school.


Did you know that algae is the farstest growing forrest in the ocean and home to fish and there is toomany kina in the nothin nz ocean and there  is toomany over seas sqecies they where brought by boats from asia. Did you know that %70 of the oxsgin is from ocean plants.



Pia Pia snorkel trip

skrt as my friends mum pold out of our school. We were going to pia pia for a snorkeling trip with our class and ngaio. it took so long to get there and i saw my dad on his motorbike it is a harley wide glide when we got there we had to get in our wetsuits then we got put in groups i got put in group one i went with Kaden and bayben Eelia and stephanie but we didn’t see anything all we saw was murky water and seaweed and shags when we got out of the water we got out of our Wetsuits and then put Warm clothes no then we had something to Eat then we played Rugby and Cricket And soccer then me and Baden went to thaak ray